Hello, and welcome to HeartWell House Expressive Therapies

I would like to dedicate this first blog post to welcome you to HeartWell House Expressive Therapies Studio. This initiative started years ago as an idea to create a space that honors and respects the expressive potential within each individual and group, and supports the process of moving through challenge and difficult life circumstance. Art and Expressive Therapies have such a profound way of allowing an individual to make choices, gain a sense of self-understanding, and express themselves without words. We are dedicated not only to self and emotional expression through various forms of art-making, but also provide a safe space for movement, learning relaxation and calming techniques, and even music making.

I received my Masters in Art Therapy at the School of Visual Arts and have since embarked on a educational path in the supportive nature of herbal remedies, utilizing food as medicine, and looking at the daily and seasonal routine in a ‘whole’istic manner. We are currently offering a very integrated approach to therapy and supportive healing arts – At the HeartWell House, you will not only receive a customized approach to the therapeutic process, but you will leave with a wealth of information that will serve you and your loved ones indefinitely.

Please stay tuned for future offerings that will include outdoor adventure outings, expression groups for teens, and relaxation groups for veterans and others who have experienced extreme life circumstance.


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